Piedmontese Soup Recipe

Piedmontese Soup Recipe Ice-Green Pepper Soup for an Italian Summer Supper   On these hot sultry evenings we’ve been having I was longing for something cool and refreshing to have for supper – I couldn’t bear the thought of sweating over a hot stove. Well they do say ‘necessity is the mother of invention’….although perhaps not invention in this case, but it certainly prompted the welcome idea and image of an ice-cold chilled soup. One that required no cooking – a silky soft soup that, like ice cream, would slide coolly down my throat. Traditionally cold soups have never been part of the Italian diet – it’s only relatively recently that even the Spanish-based gazpacho has started appearing regularly on menus. There is apparently a Sicilian tomato cold soup called “salamureci” – which sounds delicious but I haven’t tried it yet. So, apart from these two, there seems to be very little else in the cold soup department. I find it surprising in such a hot country as Italy, particularly as in colder England they seem to feature much more! Peppers however feature greatly in Italy and especially in Piedmont where they are standard fare in homes and on any … Continue reading Piedmontese Soup Recipe